Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Our 1st Summer

This is one of those “mostly for me” posts. Our summer is coming to an end; my first summer as a SAHM. I wanted to capture a typical day, although this one is not truly typical because Landon is gone on vacation with his mom.
We have spent our summer taking walks with Jett in the wagon, and the big boys on various wheels, playing “shark attack” on the swing set and letting Jett swing, visiting the library weekly (to rent movies, not books of course), going to the water park, playing at the park, baking, bowling, watching and rewatching those library movies lol, and most of all, not being at work or school or daycare. We got up when we (Jett) wanted to. We played outside in pajamas and bare feet. We had nowhere to be at any specific time. And I wasn’t out there hustlin’ like a social worker, praying for clients to appear out of nowhere!
The boys had their fair share of arguments, but on those days when they snuck off to get ready together and came out twinning, I knew it would be a good day! Both in “thin” (athletic) clothes, tall black socks (Judah’s are dress socks...), wet hair combed sideways and wearing daddy’s cologne. Bubby and JuJu. Thick as thieves.
Jett has ironed out a fantastic nap schedule and has been a dream! Easy going, even napping at the pool, little guy. He typically naps 9:30-10:45 and 2-4. Both are flexible, depending on when he wakes up in the morning! I’ve been using  the first nap for my own time, and the second I will watch movies with the boys, or read.
Landon unloads the dishwasher and takes out the trash every day, and Judah collects laundry. They both clean up their rooms (sometimes). I do a load of laundry every day, but thanks to recent decluttering and a decent routine, I don’t spend a lot of time cleaning etc.
So today, Jett woke up at 6:30. He’s teething pretty badly, so he was awake twice last night, which meant I wasn’t ready to wake up at 6:30. I brought him in bed with me until 7:30. I got to chat with my sweet sister this morning, which is something else I’m so thankful for since I’ve been home! She and Cantor take walks and we get to chat, or I’ll call her while we’re walking Lol Judah woke up and wanted breakfast. Honey combs. I made his cereal. He pours the milk. I made Jett some oatmeal. He ate 1.5 bowls and a piece of peanut butter toast. He is a bottomless pit! We play in the floor for a while. I move the ottoman and sit at the edge of the rug to corral our mobile baby. Judah insists on making Jett a house out of couch cushions, so we did just that! We went outside to swing and Jett squeals with excitement! Judah wants to be pushed high in the swing and is just learning to jump out. He jumps out and asks “how high was I?” every time, and tries to beat it the next. We come in so Jett can nap. While he’s sleeping Judah and I get ready for the pool and do our chores. Then,  we make some lunch. I carried everything onto the back porch for a “picnic” just in time for Jett to wake up. I carried it all back in, made Jett’s lunch and got him up to eat. He ate for an hour...
It has been a lot cooler this week and the pool was chilly! We played there for over 3 hours. Jett is so good to get a power nap and wake up as happy as ever! I tried my best to capture Judah on video, as he danced everywhere he went. I was skeptical of taking three boys to the pool, alone, but we’ve been doing it weekly all summer, and it really has been great!
Today is Wednesday and Tim goes from work to church, so we’re on our own for dinner. Today we ate leftover lasagna.  On most days,  I will cook dinner while Jett throws crunchies on the floor and runs over them in his walker, and the big boys play outside.
We are pretty consistent about eating dinner at 6, because Jett goes to bed at 7:30. Then we get to snuggle the big boys while we tell them they’re going to bed  and then let them stay up an hour past....  baths get thrown in there somewhere. Tonight, Judah wanted to snuggle in my bed amd “look at different species of snakes” on my phone, folllowed by “funny cat videos,” and finishing it off with a bowl of honeycombs. I wouldn’t trade those time for anything.
I put him to bed, then sobbed myself stupid, reading a letter about kindergarten. He starts in 13 days. I can’t talk about it yet. Right now, we’re soaking up the last of our summer days because too soon he will be in school, Landon will be a 6th grader, amd Jett and mommy will be missing them....
This summer has been all I’ve ever wanted and more. Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m getting to do this, but most of the time it feels so natural that I barely remember not doing it. I feel so grateful to have shared this summer with them! ❤️

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