Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Indigestion from Hades.

10 weeks and 4 days today and I am already inpatient about meeting our sweet baby! I keep seeing pictures on Facebook of all the newborns and I get incredible urges to hold our sweet one in my arms. Seven months seems so far away, even though I know it will pass quickly.
My current vices don't make the waiting game any easier either: indigestion and exhaustion. More indigestion than exhaustion. That seems to be the only thing that really makes me sick...as in throw up sick. And, it is not fun. It comes if my stomach is a tad empty, or if it's a tad full, a really hard balance to keep. Exhaustion comes and goes. Yesterday, I was exhausted before I ever left for work. Then, after work, I picked up Landon and we ran home to change for Tball, went to the game, ate supper, and by this time I am about to drop dead. Then......I still had work notes and intake paperwork to do. The indigestion came and I spent a while hovered over the porcelain throne. My sweet husband brought me a warm wash cloth, which was intended to clean myself up. Instead, I planted my face in it and sobbed for a few minutes, while thinking to myself....here come the hormones. But, I don't do well with exhaustion while not growing a human, so I'm thinking it was just amplified. Anyway, I finished the notes and went to bed. Today, I made it through the work day okay, but tonight, it is weighing on me. I'm hoping to get some snuggle time with my boys and get in bed early.
Some big events have happened since my last post. Our big boy graduated from Pre-K! He was adorable in his little cap & gown! Then we celebrated at the park that night. I am amazed at how much he has grown this year, in all sorts of ways. We were fortunate to have 2 great teachers at Clinton Elementary that were so good to him. That boy makes me so proud!  There is another [bigger] boy that I am also super proud of! My favorite big brother in the whole world graduated on Saturday, with a BS in Mathematics, and Magna Cum Laude honors! He wore something like 1 stole, 2 medals, and 4-5 cords. Ridiculous. He is incredibly smart. But more than that, he is so focused, so dedicated and works harder at school than anyone I know! Truly, I am envious of his passion. And, truly, I am thankful to have him as a brother and a best friend. Also, I'm glad he is not moving to TN in August. He was accepted to a PHD program at the U of TN, where they offered him paid tuition, a stipend, health insurance...I didn't tell him when he was weighing the options, because of course I wanted to be supportive, but after I found out about the offer, I had a mini mental break down in the kitchen floor. If someone would've told me that would happen 15 years ago when he threw a cat on my back and I stabbed him with a pen....I would've never belived them. But, I am so thankful for our relationship, and that he has decided to start his graduate career here in AR, for at least this year.
I had a nice text chat with a sweet friend who is also pregnant. She is much farther than me, but it is fun to talk and relate anyway! John and Mandy will welcome their sweet baby Karsyn in just 10 short weeks! They are going to be great parents!
In other random thoughts, I am looking forward to a 4 day weekend, and a trip to Florida in July! Oh, and especially our next doctor's appointment on June 11th! It can't come soon enough! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

I knew I wouldn't be super consistent with this thing...

I feel like there usually isn't enough in one day to write about. So, I guess I will continue this habit of playing catch up. What's new in pregnancy land? I guess you could say I'm getting down with the sickness. Well, today has been fine...so far. But, Friday night I had a puke fest in the shower. That was nice. Saturday & Sunday were much the same. My lower back and hips are starting to have some minor pains. And, I am completely exhausted. Though, that could be due to the on-call night from hell last night, that kept me up until 1:30. Oh the joys of being a mental health therapist! P.S I truly am very thankful or my job! (Just not the week I'm on call!)
Mother's Day was great! I got all sorts of sweet texts, calls, cards, etc. wishing me a Happy Mother's Day! This was my first [biological] Mother's Day, though I really consider last year as my first! It was the first Mother's Day I spent as a step mommy to Landon. Being a step mom is another post for another day, but I will say getting to share in that boy's life has been one of the biggest blessings of mine! He and his momma got me the sweetest card and the most adorable picture frame, with a puppy picture in it lol, that says "I love you this big." That is Landon's and my "thing," you know, that we say to each other, usually while singing the Scotty McCreery song. Always makes me smile. I got to spend half of the day with my momma, and the other half with my other momma, my mother in law, rather "in love," I like to say. Moms are so special and I could not say enough about how amazing my mom is, and my mother in law too. I am thankful that I've never experienced any truth to the horrid in laws jokes. Having a mother in law like mine is better than the yummy, cream cheese fruit dip I made this afternoon! Really, she is amazing.
I have yet to start taking "pregnant belly pictues," even though I really want to. I guess I am lacking motivation in some areas....so says the ENORMOUS pile of laundry in our closet! It is truly scary. Anyway, I don't think you are supposed to be "showing," just yet, but I, and many others, can definitely tell there is something growing in this belly of mine! Baby Edwards is showing herself/himself early!
I ate strawberries, and the previously mentioned fruit dip for dinner tonight, before the T-ball game, and when I got home I had some Fruity Pebbles. I don't really have cravings, but sometimes eat weird things because nothing at all sounds appealing. I'm pretty sure I have developed a taste aversion to meat. I've heard other mommas experienced the same type of thing, but it is so strange. I eat a lot of fruit and crackers.
Oh, speaking of T-ball, I will end this post with one of my future goals as a mommy. I hope to spend many, many summers at the ball field, and many, many winters in the gym. I grew up this way and it turned out just fine for me! Really, I am so glad Landon is playing T-ball and really hope our new little bundly of joy will love sports too! I would say I want to be  a soccer mom, but honestly I can't stand soccer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Blood Line

Today is worth posting about if only for one reason alone. Today, my mom made homemade chicken and dressing, and then drove an hour (1 way) to drop it off at our house, and then turn right back around and drive another hour home. Can anyone say WOW?!?!?! My mom is amazing!!! And, the chicken and dressing.....well, I don't even know that there are words to describe such deliciousness!! For a second, I thought about being surprised that she would do that! But, really, I can't be. She ALWAYS goes out of her way for us. The chicken and dressing delivery was encouraging for -at least- two reasons. 1. I am reassured that I will never, ever go hungry, or without anything for that matter, because I such amazing people in my life. And, 2. I am reminded that I, myself, come from this "drive 2 hours to deliver homemade chicken and dressing" bloodline. If you're wondering what in the world that has to do with anything.... Well, it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, my mom's awesome mom genes found their way into my bloodstream, too. In other words, I hope that I will be just half the mom she is, because she made me the woman I am today. Not to mention, she is the world's best, best friend too. And, let's not leave out dad, who called shortly afterwards to ask if I could "crave" beef enchiladas tomorrow. LOL. I told him I would try to take one for the team. Dad is a silly goose. And, I love him with all my heart. I am a daddy's girl to the core. I don't know how I got so lucky to have my parents.....or my husband...or my brothers...or my mother in law...or the rest of my family and friends. I am SO super blessed by the relationships I have in my life. There is something comforting about knowing you are never alone. In other news, we had a Tball game tonight. Landon is the best T-ball player in the world. And I'm not just saying that because he's ours. There are probably studies or something to back that up. Oh, I will end with this! Today, I showed Landon the picture of our little baby. He smiled really big and said "it kinda looks like an owl!" 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Let's play catch up...

Everything I've read about pregnancy says "be sure to keep a journal." I've put this off for a while, thinking "what would I even write?" I meant to start it last week when I ate strawberry ice cream and baby dill pickles for dinner. And then, I meant to start again when indigestion struck...and struck again. But, I decided today, after seeing our sweet little baby for the first time, that today would be the day. Tim and I had our first doctor's appointment at Conway Women's Health Center (yes, even though we live in Jacksonville, because I am stubborn and don't take too well to change...especially when it involves giving birth). We thought we were about 8 weeks along, but it turns out we're closer to 9! Yay! However, Dr. Lawrence says we will stick with the original count for the due date....December 14th, 2012. In just 7 short months our (part time) family of 3, will become a (full time) 4! WOW! So now, let's play catch up....... I will try to make this long story, short. Last year I had a lot of "female" complications.....we can all handle it if I say it that way right? A few ovarian cysts, stage 3 endometriosis, 3 surgeries and a week in the hospital, to be exact. Obviously, I was worried about being able to conceive. We believed that God would be faithful, as always. But, my small minded self still had some concerns. Around November last year, we felt we had confirmation and "the go ahead" from God, but weren't sure if now was the time or if we were just supposed to rest in knowing that everything was ok when the time comes. At the end of March, we decided to see what would happen.....on April 9th, we got TWO positive pregnancy tests! SO faithful isn't he?! We held the big secret for one whole night! LOL! The next day we arranged an "emergency" family dinner and made these cool picture cards with a super cute picture of Landon that said "I'm going to be a big brother!" (And a great one at that, might I add!!) When we told Landon, he was SO excited!!! .....because he thought it was going to be "...a baby dog. Because I really want a baby dog." HA! I think he has gotten over the disapointment that we are actually growing a human instead. Really though, he is so excited and will be such a great big brother! He has the biggest heart of any kid I've ever known and I am so incredibly blessed, not to mention humbled, to be a part of his life. So, I guess that about sums it up! As of today, our big news is Facebook official. We're in the big time now. :)

Valentine’s Day Dinner tricks and treats

I love holidays! All of them! And I try super hard (sometimes too hard) to make them extra special for the people I love! I have to occasion...