Monday, May 7, 2012

Let's play catch up...

Everything I've read about pregnancy says "be sure to keep a journal." I've put this off for a while, thinking "what would I even write?" I meant to start it last week when I ate strawberry ice cream and baby dill pickles for dinner. And then, I meant to start again when indigestion struck...and struck again. But, I decided today, after seeing our sweet little baby for the first time, that today would be the day. Tim and I had our first doctor's appointment at Conway Women's Health Center (yes, even though we live in Jacksonville, because I am stubborn and don't take too well to change...especially when it involves giving birth). We thought we were about 8 weeks along, but it turns out we're closer to 9! Yay! However, Dr. Lawrence says we will stick with the original count for the due date....December 14th, 2012. In just 7 short months our (part time) family of 3, will become a (full time) 4! WOW! So now, let's play catch up....... I will try to make this long story, short. Last year I had a lot of "female" complications.....we can all handle it if I say it that way right? A few ovarian cysts, stage 3 endometriosis, 3 surgeries and a week in the hospital, to be exact. Obviously, I was worried about being able to conceive. We believed that God would be faithful, as always. But, my small minded self still had some concerns. Around November last year, we felt we had confirmation and "the go ahead" from God, but weren't sure if now was the time or if we were just supposed to rest in knowing that everything was ok when the time comes. At the end of March, we decided to see what would happen.....on April 9th, we got TWO positive pregnancy tests! SO faithful isn't he?! We held the big secret for one whole night! LOL! The next day we arranged an "emergency" family dinner and made these cool picture cards with a super cute picture of Landon that said "I'm going to be a big brother!" (And a great one at that, might I add!!) When we told Landon, he was SO excited!!! .....because he thought it was going to be "...a baby dog. Because I really want a baby dog." HA! I think he has gotten over the disapointment that we are actually growing a human instead. Really though, he is so excited and will be such a great big brother! He has the biggest heart of any kid I've ever known and I am so incredibly blessed, not to mention humbled, to be a part of his life. So, I guess that about sums it up! As of today, our big news is Facebook official. We're in the big time now. :)

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