Monday, June 18, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

My house is a wreck. Laundry is piled up in every room of our house (as usual). We ate out tonight (again). All the clothes I tried on this morning that didn't work out are still strolled all over my bed (that is not even close to being made). My oatmeal bowl from this morning is on the kitchen table. And shamefully, I am currently glued to The Bachelorette. Every season I say I will stop watching it, but I never do. It's just so dang enticing. And while we're talking about guilty pleasures, I totally inhaled a fried peach pie and vanilla ice cream today. Yum! All my fabulous coworkers were disgusted and jealous. I shared one bite.
Now, let's see if I can justify myself somehow.
It has been a long weekend. Not that I am the most effected one at all, because that would totally be my poor little brother and my exhausted parents. However, it has been a long three days. Joey was admitted to St. Vincent on Friday night because he had an abscess in his throat that was cutting off his airways. He had surgery immediately. The abscess turned out to be MRSA staph infection. He spent 3 days in SICU and 2 days on a ventilator because his throat was so swollen that he wasn't able to breathe on his own. They took the vent off yesterday and he moved to a regular room today. Most all of the awful looking tubes have been removed. He got to take a shower and eat some real food today. So, he is looking and feeling much better! The calls, texts, and visits from our family and friends have been overwhelming. You guys are amazing! Times like these are so humbling because they remind you of things like how many and how deeply people care for your family, how incredibly loyal and selfless your parents are, and how awesome it is that the creator of the universe cares to be in the ICU in Little Rock, AR watching over your family. I think I didn't realize the severity of it all until everything was already okay, which I am super thankful for. It is so cool how God works out things like that.
Also, the friend I had you all pray for last week has a HEALTHY, precious little baby boy on the way! Coincidence? I don't think so. :)
In other pregnant news, my friend, Christen, is joining me on this pregnant journey (#3)! I could not be more excited for her! And, Mandy and John are having their shower for Karsyn next Sunday! Lots of fun baby stuff going on! It is really cool to have friends to share the journey with.
I have had a pretty good week pregnancy-wise. I started my acid reflux meds and went a whole week without throwing up! So, I celebrated my vomit-free anniversary by..... vomiting!! So fitting isn't it? It was my fault. I indulged on some wing stop fries that did not agree with this little baby. My chiropractor is against the reflux meds and wants me to take the digestive enzymes he gave me. I truly trust the man, but really? I found a way to stop puking my guts up every day and honestly, I am just too scared to not take it for a day to even try the other stuff!
In other news, I am very confused about prenatal vitamins. I bought the GNC prenatals with iron and got DHA separately. Since then, I've been having this constant, disgusting, taste in my mouth. Everything I read says it probably means my body isn't absorbing it right. Nevermind I am supposed to take 8 pills per day which I am so not okay with. Today Tim was at Wal-Mart so I had him pick up some new vitamins, one pill per day. And they are about 12 feet long. So frustrating. Plus, they only have like 200 mg of DHA and I really think I'm supposed to have something like 1,000 mg????? HEEELLLLPPP!!!!!!!!!
I have had some pretty crazy pregnant dreams lately. I have dreamed our little angel was a boy. I have dreamed it was a girl. I have dreamed that we had to share her/him with another couple. This weekend I dreamed that our baby had the absolute, most unbelievable, ears I have ever seen!! They were massive!!!! I told mom today that I guess if that dream came true I would finally know the answer to a question I have wondered about for so long. "Do parents of ugly babies really think their babies are adorable?" I mean, surely they have got to know their kid is not that attractive. That's not very nice. But it is very honest.
Oh, I am almost forgetting the biggest preggo news I have! I bought my first pair of maternity pants! They are acutally not too bad and I got them for $14 at JC Penney. I was driving home Friday and I reached to unbutton my pants because they were cutting off my circulation. So, I reached down, only to realize that my pants were ALREADY unbuttoned. Straight to the mall. Straight to the maternity section. Bought some new pants. Now I can breathe again.
We have been thinking about fun gender announcements. There are so many neat ideas out there. EVERYONE says it is a girl. BUT, I keep trying to remind myself, that it may not be a girl. LOL. We'll see on July 9th!

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